Europe's Ideals & Realities in Three French Movies

4649 Sunnyside Ave N
4 Places Remaining

At the Alliance, we are celebrating Europe Day!  

Celebrated annually on May 9, Europe Day represents a time to reflect on ideals of peace, unity and economic equity throughout Europe. In the aftermath of COVID-19, the refugee crisis and the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, the distance between myth and reality has never been harder to navigate.  

Join us for an informal roundtable discussion in English around Europe’s ideals and realities, together with our special guests UW students and Professor Louisa Mackenzie, as well as AF members, friends, and everyone interested in the intricate stories making the fabric of a collective dream and the foundation of a unique form of governance. Three French films and their vision of Europe will inform/guide our exploration. 

This event is organized in partnership with World Affairs Council and the University of Washington- French and Italian Studies.

Free event, in English. Refreshments will be served.


Louisa Mackenzie grew up in Scotland and did graduate work in Berkeley, California before moving to Seattle in 2002. They are an associate Professor of French at the University of Washington and represent four language departments on campus as a Faculty Senator. Their research interests include early modern and contemporary French culture, ecocriticism, Animal Studies, and gender studies.   

Before the event, we invite you to watch one or more of the three films that we will discu 

La Grande Illusion by Jean Renoir

English title: Grand Illusion

  • Available on Prime or Vudu

Trois couleurs: Bleu by Krzysztof Kieślowski

English title: Three Colors: Blue

  • Available on Prime or Youtube

L’Auberge Espagnole by Cédric Klapisch

English title: The Spanish Apartment

Join us for our in-person Ciné Salon on May 5th to watch it! RSVP here

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