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A1 Beginner

Spring25 - Beginner Part 1 (A1.1)

General French
The first sublevel in A1 (Beginner), for complete beginners without any prior exposure to French.

In this course students will learn the alphabet, numbers, greetings and basic vocabulary relevant to interacting in the classroom. Students will learn to ask basic questions and to describe themselves and their city or country.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 1 (Chapters 1-3) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: none, this class is for complete beginners
Next course: A1.2

This course is NOT recommended as a review for those returning to French after a long time. Please take our placement test for an accurate assessment of your level.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Beginner Part 1 (A1.1)

General French
The first sublevel in A1 (Beginner), for complete beginners without any prior exposure to French.

In this course students will learn the alphabet, numbers, greetings and basic vocabulary relevant to interacting in the classroom. Students will learn to ask basic questions and to describe themselves and their city or country.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 1 (Chapters 1-3) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: none, this class is for complete beginners
Next course: A1.2

This course is NOT recommended as a review for those returning to French after a long time. Please take our placement test for an accurate assessment of your level.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 2h30 per session, once a week, total of 25h

Spring25 - Beginner Part 2 (A1.2)

General French
The second sublevel in A1 (Beginner), for students with limited prior exposure to French.

In this course students will learn to describe their family, their hobbies and interests, their preferences, and their personality. Students will also learn to tell time and share facts about past events.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 1 (Chapters 4-6) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French A1.1 or A1.2 result on placement test

Next course: General French A1.3

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Beginner Part 2 (A1.2)

General French
The second sublevel in A1 (Beginner), for students with limited prior exposure to French.

In this course students will learn to describe their family, their hobbies and interests, their preferences, and their personality. Students will also learn to tell time and share facts about past events.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 1 (Chapters 4-6) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French A1.1 or A1.2 result on placement test

Next course: General French A1.3

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 2h30 per session, once a week, total of 25h
Seattle - Wallingford
Saturday   12:30pm ▸ 3pm
05 Apr 2025 ▸ 14 Jun 2025

Spring25 - Beginner Part 3 (A1.3)

General French
The third and final sublevel in A1 (Beginner), for students with some prior exposure to French.

In this course students will learn to talk about the weather and seasons, and how to make suggestions about suitable clothing for different times of the year. Students will also learn basic interactions related to shopping, eating in a restaurant, as well as how to talk about basic future events. At the end of the course, students will be guided through a DELF review of the A1 level.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 1 (Chapters 7-8 & DELF A1 review) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French A1.2 or A1.3 result on placement test

Next courses: A1 Review, A1/A1+ workshops, or General French A2.1

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Beginner Part 3 (A1.3)

General French
The third and final sublevel in A1 (Beginner), for students with some prior exposure to French.

In this course students will learn to talk about the weather and seasons, and how to make suggestions about suitable clothing for different times of the year. Students will also learn basic interactions related to shopping, eating in a restaurant, as well as how to talk about basic future events. At the end of the course, students will be guided through a DELF review of the A1 level.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 1 (Chapters 7-8 & DELF A1 review) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French A1.2 or A1.3 result on placement test

Next courses: A1 Review, A1/A1+ workshops, or General French A2.1

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 2h30 per session, once a week, total of 25h

Spring25 - Easy Reading & Pronunciation A1+ La guerre des boutons (Spring 1)

Specialized French

Students will read an abbreviated version of the classic text The War of Buttons (La guerre des boutons) by Louis Pergaud, and will analyze its themes. This course enhances language acquisition through reading, listening, conversational fluency and pronunciation skills. 

The War of Buttons/La guerre des boutons - Louis Pergaud
Les héros de cette histoire sont des adolescents. Deux bandes rivales s'affrontent et se livrent à une "guerre des boutons" : cette guerre consiste à s'emparer des camarades adversaires, à les fesser, à les dévêtir et à couper les boutons qui retiennent leurs vêtements...

The heroes of this story are teenagers. Two rival gangs face off and engage in a "war of buttons": this war consists of capturing opposing members, spanking them, undressing them, and cutting off the buttons that hold their clothes together...

This is a classic French novel from 1912 that depicts the mock warfare between children from rival villages. The story has been adapted multiple times for film and remains a well-known piece of French literature that captures the sometimes rough-and-tumble nature of childhood rivalry and play in rural France of that era.

The class materials will be provided by the instructor before the start of the class.

Prerequisite: for students enrolled in A1.3. Students who have received an A2.1 result on the placement test are eligible to register.

Next course: any other Specialized French A1+, or General French A2.1

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

Spring25 - Easy Reading & Pronunciation A1+ Les Trois mousquetaires (Spring 2)

Specialized French

Dive into one of literature's greatest adventures with "The Three Musketeers"! Join young D'Artagnan as he meets three legendary warriors - Athos, Porthos, and Aramis - and becomes part of their legendary brotherhood. From sword fights and royal scandals to dangerous missions and devious plots, this thrilling tale of friendship and courage will keep you on the edge of your seat. Get ready to discover why "All for one, and one for all" has become one of the most famous mottos in history!

Students will read an abbreviated version of the classic text The Three Musketeers by Dumas, and will analyze its themes. This course enhances language acquisition through reading, listening, conversational fluency and pronunciation skills. 

Les trois mousquetaires - Dumas
D'Artagnan quitte sa terre natale pour chercher fortune à Paris. Son rêve est de devenir mousquetaire du roi. Il devient bientôt l'ami inséparable des mousquetaires Athos, Porthos et Aramis, avec lesquels il vivra des aventures inoubliables.

The class materials will be provided by the instructor before the start of the class.

Prerequisite: for students enrolled in A1.3. Students who have received an A2.1 result on the placement test are eligible to register.

Next course: any other Specialized French A1+, or General French A2.1

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

Spring25 - Essential Conversation A1+ (Spring 1)

Specialized French

This class will review essential vocabulary at the A1 level and teach you what you need to know to talk about yourself, your family, your interests and opinions, and to get by in everyday situations. You'll learn how to pronounce French words and use key vocabulary and phrases for authentic cultural experiences. 

Prerequisite: General French A1.3 course, A1 Review, or A2.1 result at placement test. 

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - Essential Conversation A1+ (Spring 2)

Specialized French

This class will review essential vocabulary at the A1 level and teach you what you need to know to talk about yourself, your family, your interests and opinions, and to get by in everyday situations. You'll learn how to pronounce French words and use key vocabulary and phrases for authentic cultural experiences. 

Prerequisite: General French A1.3 course, A1 Review, or A2.1 result at placement test. 

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

WINTER25 - Basic French Grammar for English speakers A1+/A2


This workshop will help you understand and avoid the common grammar mistakes made by English speakers and help you start to think (and dream!) in French!

Students will learn or review the basics of French grammar through an accessible comparison with English grammar while reviewing the French grammar terminology and concepts covered at the A1+/A2 levels.

Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h

WINTER25 - Easy Reading & Pronunciation A1+ Jules Verne (Winter 2)

Specialized French
Students will read an abbreviated version of the classic text by Jules Verne, and will analyze its themes. This course enhances language acquisition through reading, listening, conversational fluency and pronunciation skills. 

Voyage au Centre de la Terre, by Jules Verne

The class materials will be provided by the instructor before the start of the class.

Prerequisite: for students enrolled in A1.3. Students who have received an A2.1 result on the placement test are eligible to register.

Next course: any other Specialized French A1+, or General French A2.1
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

WINTER25 - Essential Conversation A1+ (Winter 2)

Specialized French

This class will review essential vocabulary at the A1 level and teach you what you need to know to talk about yourself, your family, your interests and opinions, and to get by in everyday situations. You'll learn how to pronounce French words and use key vocabulary and phrases for authentic cultural experiences. 

Prerequisite: General French A1.3 course, A1 Review, or A2.1 result at placement test. 

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h
Seattle - Wallingford
Monday   6:15pm ▸ 7:45pm
03 Mar 2025 ▸ 31 Mar 2025

WINTER25 - Pronunciation A1/A2

Ideal for beginners: you will learn key elements in pronunciation, such as accentuation, links, oral and nasal vowels, semivowels, and difficult consonants.

Prerequesite: Students must have completed A1.1 or at least 30 hours of French study. Recommended for A1 and A2 levels.
Pace: Workshop, one session of 3h

WINTER25 - Review-A1-EVE-Online

Intensive Courses
An intensive week, 2.5 hours daily from Monday to Thursday, designed to strengthen major skills acquired during the A1 level in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

This class can help you to boost your French or simply to give you more confidence and enhance your knowledge before joining the A2 level.

• Prerequisite: A1.3 course completed, or A2.1 result at placement test. New students and students returning after more than three quarters are required to take a short online placement test.

• Next course: General French A2.1.

Pace: Intensive, 1 week, total of 10h

WINTER25 - Voyages Extraordinaires: Québec et Montréal A1/A2

Welcome to our workshop series Voyages Extraordinaires!

Dive into the vibrant world of the province of Québec and the city of Montréal with our engaging course designed for beginning language learners! This immersive introduction to Québec culture and language focuses on everyday vocabulary and expressions that you can use in real-life situations. Discover the unique blend of French and English influences that shape Québec's rich cultural tapestry, from its lively festivals and culinary delights to its diverse communities and historic landmarks.

Prerequisite: This workshop is for A1 and A2 levels. 
Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h
A2 Intermediate

Spring25 - Easy Reading and Pronunciation A2 De la Terre à la Lune (Spring 2)

Specialized French
Expand your French linguistic and cultural knowledge by reading this classic text. Students will read an abbreviated version of the text and will analyze the themes and writing structure. This course enhances language acquisition through reading, listening, conversational fluency and pronunciation skills. 

De la Terre à la Lune, by Jules Verne

The class materials will be provided by the instructor before the start of the class.

Prerequisite: Students should already have completed the three-part A1 General French series (A1.1, A1.2 and A1.3) or students who have received an A2.1, A2.2 or A2.3 result on the placement test are also eligible to register
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

Spring25 - Easy Reading and Pronunciation A2 Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (Spring 1)

Specialized French
Expand your French linguistic and cultural knowledge by reading this classic text. Students will read an abbreviated version of the text and will analyze the themes and writing structure. This course enhances language acquisition through reading, listening, conversational fluency and pronunciation skills. 

Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet

The class materials will be provided by the instructor before the start of the class.

Prerequisite: Students should already have completed the three-part A1 General French series (A1.1, A1.2 and A1.3) or students who have received an A2.1, A2.2 or A2.3 result on the placement test are also eligible to register
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

Spring25 - Intermediate Part 1 (A2.1)

General French
The first sublevel in A2 Intermediate. In this course, students will learn to talk about their daily activities and describe their home, as well as share both present and past experiences. They will also learn to express their opinion and reactions, communicate cause and make comparisons.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 2 (Chapters 1-3) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French A1.3, A1 Review, or A2.1 result on placement test

Next course: General French A2.2 and/or a Specialized A2 course.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Intermediate Part 1 (A2.1)

General French
The first sublevel in A2 Intermediate. In this course, students will learn to talk about their daily activities and describe their home, as well as share both present and past experiences. They will also learn to express their opinion and reactions, communicate cause and make comparisons.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 2 (Chapters 1-3) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French A1.3, A1 Review, or A2.1 result on placement test

Next course: General French A2.2 and/or a Specialized A2 course.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 2h30 per session, once a week, total of 25h

Spring25 - Intermediate Part 2 (A2.2)

General French
The second sublevel in A2 Intermediate. In this course students will learn to ask questions, request permission, recount stories and make predictions about the future. They will also learn to express condition, consequence and uncertainty. They will communicate on topics related to their health and well-being past, as well as learn how to request a service, accept or decline an offer, and offer advice.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 2 (Chapters 4-6) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French A2.1 or A2.2 result on placement test

Next course: General French A2.3 and/or a Specialized A2 course.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Intermediate Part 3 (A2.3)

General French
The third course in A2 (Intermediate). In this course, students will talk about their lifestyle and habits, share conflicts that might arise at work, and propose solutions. They will learn to express hypotheses, desires, and goals. At the end of the course, students will be guided through a DELF review of the A2 level.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 2 (Chapters 7-8 & DELF A2 review) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French A2.2 or A2.3 result on placement test

Next course: A2 Review, a Specialized A2+ course, or General French B1.1.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Intermediate Part 3 (A2.3)

General French
The third course in A2 (Intermediate). In this course, students will talk about their lifestyle and habits, share conflicts that might arise at work, and propose solutions. They will learn to express hypotheses, desires, and goals. At the end of the course, students will be guided through a DELF review of the A2 level.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 2 (Chapters 7-8 & DELF A2 review) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French A2.2 or A2.3 result on placement test

Next course: A2 Review, a Specialized A2+ course, or General French B1.1.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 2h30 per session, once a week, total of 25h

Spring25 - Oral Communication A2 (Spring 1)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who have completed the A1 level (completed A1.1, A1.2, and A1.3 or A1+) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning.

Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a theme will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the A2 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation, including role playing, presentations, discussions, games, etc.

Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

A2 learners are expected to be gaining some confidence in communicating in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

Prerequisite: General French A1.1,  A1.2, and A1.3, or A1+. Or a A2 result at our placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h
Seattle - Wallingford
Wednesday   4:30pm ▸ 6pm
02 Apr 2025 ▸ 30 Apr 2025

Spring25 - Oral Communication A2 (Spring 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who have completed the A1 level (completed A1.1, A1.2, and A1.3 or A1+) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning.

Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a theme will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the A2 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation, including role playing, presentations, discussions, games, etc.

Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

A2 learners are expected to be gaining some confidence in communicating in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

Prerequisite: General French A1.1,  A1.2, and A1.3, or A1+. Or a A2 result at our placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h
Seattle - Wallingford
Wednesday   4:30pm ▸ 6pm
07 May 2025 ▸ 04 Jun 2025

WINTER25 - Basic French Grammar for English speakers A1+/A2


This workshop will help you understand and avoid the common grammar mistakes made by English speakers and help you start to think (and dream!) in French!

Students will learn or review the basics of French grammar through an accessible comparison with English grammar while reviewing the French grammar terminology and concepts covered at the A1+/A2 levels.

Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h

WINTER25 - Easy Reading & Pronunciation A2+/B1 - Dracula (Winter 2)

Specialized French
Expand your French linguistic and cultural knowledge by reading this classic text. Students will read an abbreviated version of the text and will analyze the themes and writing structure. This course enhances language acquisition through reading, listening, conversational fluency and pronunciation skills. 

Dracula, by Bram Stoker

The class materials will be provided by the instructor before the start of the class.

Prerequisite: Students should already have completed the three-part A2 General French series (A2.1, A2.2 and A2.3) or an A2 Review course before registering in an A2+ course. Students who have received an A2.3, B1.1 or B1.2 result on the placement test are also eligible to register
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

WINTER25 - Informal French A2+/B1

Being too informal during a job interview can lead to a disaster, but being too formal while socializing at a party will also make you feel awkward.

This 3-hour workshop will give you the opportunity to discover the French of everyday life—the one you will hear on the metro, in cafés, or at your friend’s house. You will also explore linguistic patterns such as casual speech, verlan, and slang, short forms for texting, and the highly creative 'parler jeune'.

Prerequisites: A2.3 course, A2 Review, or B1.1 result at placement test. New students are invited to take a short online placement test
Pace: Workshop, one session of 3h

WINTER25 - Pronunciation A1/A2

Ideal for beginners: you will learn key elements in pronunciation, such as accentuation, links, oral and nasal vowels, semivowels, and difficult consonants.

Prerequesite: Students must have completed A1.1 or at least 30 hours of French study. Recommended for A1 and A2 levels.
Pace: Workshop, one session of 3h

WINTER25 - Review-A2-EVE-Online

Intensive Courses
An intensive week, 2.5 hours daily from Monday to Thursday, designed to strengthen major skills acquired during the A2 level in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

This class can help you to boost your French or simply to give you more confidence and enhance your knowledge before joining the B1 level. 

• Prerequisite: A2.3 course completed, or B1.1 result at placement test. New students and students returning after more than three quarters are required to take a short online placement test.

• Next course: General French B1.1. 

Pace: Intensive, 1 week, total of 10h

WINTER25 - Voyages Extraordinaires: Québec et Montréal A1/A2

Welcome to our workshop series Voyages Extraordinaires!

Dive into the vibrant world of the province of Québec and the city of Montréal with our engaging course designed for beginning language learners! This immersive introduction to Québec culture and language focuses on everyday vocabulary and expressions that you can use in real-life situations. Discover the unique blend of French and English influences that shape Québec's rich cultural tapestry, from its lively festivals and culinary delights to its diverse communities and historic landmarks.

Prerequisite: This workshop is for A1 and A2 levels. 
Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h
B1 Independent

Spring25 - Contemporary France: Culture, Society, and Conversation B1+ (Spring 1)

Specialized French
This interactive class invites you to explore the richness of contemporary France while practicing your speaking skills. Using chapters from the textbook "La France Contemporaine", we will dive into a variety of topics : from French institutions to education, the Francophonie, culture, and the administrative organization of the territory. Each session will be an opportunity to exchange ideas, debate, and share your experiences in a friendly and engaging atmosphere. We will also use maps and touch on historical overviews to better understand the unique structure and identity of France. This class is perfect for discovering some of the many facets of France’s territory, language, and way of life while building your confidence in speaking.

Prerequisite: General French B1.3 course, B1 Review, or B2.1 result at placement test.

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

Spring25 - Contemporary France: Culture, Society, and Conversation B1+ (Spring 2)

Specialized French

This interactive class invites you to explore the richness of contemporary France while practicing your speaking skills. Using chapters from the textbook "La France Contemporaine", we will dive into a variety of topics : from French institutions to education, the Francophonie, culture, and the administrative organization of the territory. Each session will be an opportunity to exchange ideas, debate, and share your experiences in a friendly and engaging atmosphere. We will also use maps and touch on historical overviews to better understand the unique structure and identity of France. This class is perfect for discovering some of the many facets of France’s territory, language, and way of life while building your confidence in speaking.

Prerequisite: General French B1.3 course, B1 Review, or B2.1 result at placement test.

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

Spring25 - Independent Part 1 (B1.1)

General French
The first sublevel in B1 (Independent). In this course, students will share past experiences and hypothetical situations. They will learn to talk about feelings, preferences, give advice, and express dreams and regrets. Students will also be introduced to figures of speech, colloquial language, and slang.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 3 (Chapters 1-3) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French A2.3, A2 Review, or B1.1 result on placement test

Next course: General French B1.2 and/or a Specialized B1 course.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Independent Part 2 (B1.2)

General French
The second sublevel in B1 (Independent). In this course, students will learn new ways to express opinions as well as agreement and disagreement, defend ideas, and share feelings. Students will also learn how to file a complaint, share a film critique, and discuss their relationship to social media.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 3 (Chapters 4-6) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French B1.1 or B1.2 result on placement test

Next course: General French B1.3 and/or a Specialized B1 course

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Independent Part 2 (B1.2)

General French
The second sublevel in B1 (Independent). In this course, students will learn new ways to express opinions as well as agreement and disagreement, defend ideas, and share feelings. Students will also learn how to file a complaint, share a film critique, and discuss their relationship to social media.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 3 (Chapters 4-6) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French B1.1 or B1.2 result on placement test

Next course: General French B1.3 and/or a Specialized B1 course

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 2h30 per session, once a week, total of 25h
Seattle - Wallingford
Saturday   9am ▸ 11:30am
05 Apr 2025 ▸ 14 Jun 2025

Spring25 - Independent Part 3 (B1.3)

General French
The third and final sublevel in B1 (Independent). In this course, students will learn to recount an event or a conversation through indirect discourse and passive structures, and how to present uncertain information. They will also learn to express concession, cause, and consequence. At the end of the course, students will be guided through a DELF review of the B1 level.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 3 (Chapters 7-9 & DELF B1 review) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French B1.2 or B1.3 result on placement test

Next course: B1 Review, Specialized B1+, or General French B2.1

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Independent Part 3 (B1.3)

General French
The third and final sublevel in B1 (Independent). In this course, students will learn to recount an event or a conversation through indirect discourse and passive structures, and how to present uncertain information. They will also learn to express concession, cause, and consequence. At the end of the course, students will be guided through a DELF review of the B1 level.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 3 (Chapters 7-9 & DELF B1 review) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French B1.2 or B1.3 result on placement test

Next course: B1 Review, Specialized B1+, or General French B2.1

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 2h30 per session, once a week, total of 25h

Spring25 - Les Infos sur RFI B1 (Spring 1)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who recently started the B1 level (completed B1.1 or B1.2) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning centered around current events. Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a different RFI news report will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the B1 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation.

Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation. B1 learners are expected to be gaining some confidence in communicating in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. and cope flexibly with problems of everyday life; they can generally identify the topic of a discussion which is presented in straightforward terms and conducted simply and clearly.

Prerequisite: General French B1.1 or B1.2, or B1.2/B1.3 result at our placement test
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - Les Infos sur RFI B1 (Spring 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who recently started the B1 level (completed B1.1 or B1.2) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning centered around current events. Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a different RFI news report will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the B1 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation.

Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation. B1 learners are expected to be gaining some confidence in communicating in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. and cope flexibly with problems of everyday life; they can generally identify the topic of a discussion which is presented in straightforward terms and conducted simply and clearly.

Prerequisite: General French B1.1 or B1.2, or B1.2/B1.3 result at our placement test
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - Oral Communication and Grammar B1+/B2 (Spring 1)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students wishing to strengthen their vocabulary and grammar at the upper B1 independent level. Each week, through a study in areas such as politics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more, students will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen their linguistic skills in the language, review grammatical concepts, and develop their cultural understanding of France and the francophone world.

Prerequisite: B1.3, B1+ or B2.1 course completed, or B2.1/B2.2 result at placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 twice per week, total of 15h

Spring25 - Oral Communication and Grammar B1+/B2 (Spring 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students wishing to strengthen their vocabulary and grammar at the upper B1 independent level. Each week, through a study in areas such as politics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more, students will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen their linguistic skills in the language, review grammatical concepts, and develop their cultural understanding of France and the francophone world.

Prerequisite: B1.3, B1+ or B2.1 course completed, or B2.1/B2.2 result at placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 twice per week, total of 15h

Spring25 - Oral Communication B1 (Spring 1)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who recently started the B1 level (completed B1.1 or B1.2) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning.

Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a theme will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the B1 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation, including role playing, presentations, discussions, games, etc.

Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

B1 learners are expected to be gaining some confidence in communicating in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. and cope flexibly with problems of everyday life; they can generally identify the topic of a discussion which is presented in straightforward terms and conducted simply and clearly.

Prerequisite: General French B1.1 or B1.2, or B1.2 result at our placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - Oral Communication B1 (Spring 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who recently started the B1 level (completed B1.1 or B1.2) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning.

Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a theme will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the B1 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation, including role playing, presentations, discussions, games, etc.

Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

B1 learners are expected to be gaining some confidence in communicating in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. and cope flexibly with problems of everyday life; they can generally identify the topic of a discussion which is presented in straightforward terms and conducted simply and clearly.

Prerequisite: General French B1.1 or B1.2, or B1.2 result at our placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - Oral Communication B1+ (Spring 1)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who reached at the end of the B1 level (completed B1.3) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning. Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a theme will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the B1 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation, including role playing, presentations, discussions, games, etc. Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

B1+ learners are expected to communicate in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. and cope flexibly with problems of everyday life; they can generally identify the topic of a discussion which is conducted simply and clearly.

Prerequisite: General French B1.3 completed, or B1.3/B2 result at our placement test.

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - Oral Communication B1+ (Spring 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who reached at the end of the B1 level (completed B1.3) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning. Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a theme will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the B1 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation, including role playing, presentations, discussions, games, etc. Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

B1+ learners are expected to communicate in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. and cope flexibly with problems of everyday life; they can generally identify the topic of a discussion which is conducted simply and clearly.

Prerequisite: General French B1.3 completed, or B1.3/B2 result at our placement test.

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

WINTER25 - Informal French A2+/B1

Being too informal during a job interview can lead to a disaster, but being too formal while socializing at a party will also make you feel awkward.

This 3-hour workshop will give you the opportunity to discover the French of everyday life—the one you will hear on the metro, in cafés, or at your friend’s house. You will also explore linguistic patterns such as casual speech, verlan, and slang, short forms for texting, and the highly creative 'parler jeune'.

Prerequisites: A2.3 course, A2 Review, or B1.1 result at placement test. New students are invited to take a short online placement test
Pace: Workshop, one session of 3h

WINTER25 - La grammaire à travers les chansons d'Aznavour B1/B2

À l'occasion du centenaire de Charles Aznavour, l'un des plus grands artistes de la chanson française, nous aimerions rendre hommage à son œuvre intemporelle. Ses chansons résonnent non seulement par leurs mélodies envoûtantes, mais aussi par leurs paroles riches en émotions et en histoires. C'est une occasion idéale d'écouter ses morceaux emblématiques tout en abordant la grammaire de manière ludique et engageante. La grammaire n'a jamais été aussi agréable !  

 1."La Bohème"   - Grammaire Imparfait vs passé composé. 
2."Hier encore"   - Grammaire: Concordance des temps.  
3. "Je me souviens"   - Grammaire: Pronoms relatifs (qui, que, dont). 
4. "Il faut savoir"   - Grammaire: Le subjonctif. 
5. "Les comédiens"   - Grammaire : Les adjectifs et leur accord. 
6. "La Mama"   - Grammaire: Les prépositions (à, de). 
7. "For me, formidable"   - Grammaire : Les temps du futur et du conditionnel.
8. "Emmenez-moi"   - Grammaire: Les impératifs. 
9. "L'amour c'est comme un jour"   - Grammaire: Les comparaisons. 
10. " Il te suffisait que je t’aime "   - Grammaire : les temps du passé et le subjonctif

Pace: Workshop, two sessions of 2h

WINTER25 - Les Chateaux de la Loire B1


Our Voyages Extraordinaires series presents "Les Châteaux de la Loire," a workshop blending history, architecture, and cultural exploration in the picturesque landscapes of the Loire Valley. Explore the rich history of the region known as the "Garden of France" and uncover captivating tales behind iconic châteaux, ranging from royal residences to fortresses, each telling a story of a bygone era.

Designed for intermediate French learners, this workshop not only delves into historical and architectural wonders, but also offers an opportunity to enhance your language skills. Immerse yourself in the captivating narratives with discussions, providing a unique experience for history enthusiasts, architecture aficionados, and those simply looking for travel ideas.

Prerequisite: having completed General French A2.3 or B1.1, or B1.1/B1.2/B1.3 result at our placement test.

Pace: Workshop, one session of 3h

WINTER25 - Les Infos sur RFI B1 (Winter 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who recently started the B1 level (completed B1.1 or B1.2) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning centered around current events. Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a different RFI news report will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the B1 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation.

Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation. B1 learners are expected to be gaining some confidence in communicating in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. and cope flexibly with problems of everyday life; they can generally identify the topic of a discussion which is presented in straightforward terms and conducted simply and clearly.

Prerequisite: General French B1.1 or B1.2, or B1.2/B1.3 result at our placement test
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

WINTER25 - Ma Vie en France: Julia Child de Paris à la Provence B1/B2

Embark on a sensory journey through France with Julia Child as our guide! In this workshop, we’ll explore Julia Child’s experiences from her early days in Paris to her life in Provence. Through engaging discussions, video clips, and readings, you’ll learn about her impact on French cuisine and culture. This workshop will help you enhance your French language skills while discovering the fascinating story of one of America’s most beloved chefs. 
Pace: Workshop, one session of 3h

WINTER25 - Oral Communication & Grammar B1+/B2 (Winter 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students wishing to strengthen their vocabulary and grammar at the upper B1 independent level. Each week, through a study in areas such as politics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more, students will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen their linguistic skills in the language, review grammatical concepts, and develop their cultural understanding of France and the francophone world.

Prerequisite: B1.3, B1+ or B2.1 course completed, or B2.1/B2.2 result at placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 twice per week, total of 15h

WINTER25 - Oral Communication B1 (Winter 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who recently started the B1 level (completed B1.1 or B1.2) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning.

Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a theme will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the B1 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation, including role playing, presentations, discussions, games, etc.

Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

B1 learners are expected to be gaining some confidence in communicating in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. and cope flexibly with problems of everyday life; they can generally identify the topic of a discussion which is presented in straightforward terms and conducted simply and clearly.

Prerequisite: General French B1.1 or B1.2, or B1.2 result at our placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

WINTER25 - Oral Communication B1+ (Winter 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students who reached at the end of the B1 level (completed B1.3) and who wish to strengthen and practice their oral comprehension and production skills through a communicative and action-oriented approach to language learning. Some written comprehension and production may be introduced in support of the targeted oral communication outcomes.

Each week, a theme will be explored through a reading and/or listening exercise appropriate to the level. Relevant vocabulary and one or more grammar points at the B1 level will be reviewed based on support materials and put into practice through structured activities designed to generate authentic conversation, including role playing, presentations, discussions, games, etc. Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

B1+ learners are expected to communicate in a simple manner on familiar topics regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. and cope flexibly with problems of everyday life; they can generally identify the topic of a discussion which is conducted simply and clearly.

Prerequisite: General French B1.3 completed, or B1.3/B2 result at our placement test.

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h
Seattle - Wallingford
Monday   4:30pm ▸ 6pm
24 Feb 2025 ▸ 24 Mar 2025

WINTER25 - Paris Je t'aime (Pt3: Pronunciation) B1/B2/C1


This 3-part workshop series explores the short film 14e arrondissement by Alexander Payne, from the 2006 anthology Paris, je t'aime. Follow Carole, a mailwoman from Denver, Colorado in her discovery of Paris 14th arrondissement to identify English speakers' difficulties in speaking French. With a comparative analysis of French and English, and through an authentic and cultural approach, these 3 workshops will provide keys to become aware of deceptive cognates and common mistakes in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. 

Part 3 will focus on Pronunciation.

You may sign up for one, two, or all three parts of the series! Members get 10% off any additional course in the same term.

Open to B1/B2/C1 levels (the workshop will be conducted in French). Take our placement test here.

Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h

WINTER25 - Review-B1-EVE-Online

Intensive Courses
An intensive week, 2.5 hours daily from Monday to Thursday, designed to strengthen major skills acquired during the B1 level in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

This class can help you to boost your French or simply to give you more confidence and enhance your knowledge before joining the B2 level.

• Prerequisite: B1.3 course completed, or B2.1 result at placement test. New students and students returning after more than three quarters are required to take a short online placement test.

• Next course: A specialized B1+ course or General French B2.1.

Pace: Intensive, 1 week, total of 10h

WINTER25 - The subjunctive demystified B1/B2

Think you'll never get along with the Subjunctive? This workshop will change your mind! Dive into the Subjunctive mood, explore its common uses, and uncover its nuances with a fun and practical approach.

Prerequisite: students must be at the B1 or B2 level

Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h

WINTER25 - Voyages Extraordinaires : L'Egypte B1/B2

Welcome to our workshop series Voyages Extraordinaires!

Embark on an immersive journey through Egypt with this workshop, specially designed for B1 and B2 learners. Discover a unique side of this fascinating country, where history, modernity, and gastronomy come together to offer you an unforgettable experience. Admire the modern architectural gems that shape contemporary Egypt and uncover must-see sites for your next adventures. Awaken your taste buds as you explore the delights of Egyptian cuisine: learn the stories behind iconic dishes and find inspiration to Savor them. Relive the bold dream of Baron Empain, who transformed Heliopolis into the "City of the Sun." Unravel the mysteries and legends surrounding his famous palace, a true treasure of tales. End on a sweet note with a tasting of Om Ali, an iconic Egyptian dessert, a tribute to traditional Flavors. Join this captivating workshop and let yourself be transported into a cultural adventure where every moment is a new discovery. Egypt awaits—are you ready to explore its wonders?

Prerequisite: This workshop is for B1 and B2 levels. You must have a minimum of B1.1 result at our placement test, or have completed General French A2.3. This workshop will be conducted mainly in French.
Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h
Seattle - Wallingford
Saturday Mar 22 2025 - 10am ▸ 12pm
22 Mar 2025

WINTER25 - Voyages Extraordinaires : La Côte d'Ivoire B1/B2

Welcome to our workshop series Voyages Extraordinaires!

Embark on an exciting journey to explore the Cote d'Ivoire. This unique workshop is designed for language enthusiasts who not only wish to enhance their French skills but also want to delve into the rich history, culture, and traditions of the Francophone world.

Discover the hidden treasures of this African country, where tradition and modernity coexist. Immerse yourself in the cultural richness, breathtaking landscapes and delicious gastronomy of Ivory Coast.

Prerequisite: This workshop is for B1 and B2 levels. You must have a minimum of B1.1 result at our placement test, or have completed General French A2.3. This workshop will be conducted mainly in French.
Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h
B2 Advanced

Spring25 - Advanced Part 1 (B2.1)

General French
The first sublevel in B2 (Advanced). In this course, students will continue to work on how to recount an event or a conversation through indirect discourse and passive structures, as well as additional ways to make comparisons, express themselves in the negative and speak about future events. They will also learn to develop more complex sentences in addition to exploring idiomatic expressions and word games.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 4 (Chapters 1-3) - Textbook & workbook available here 

Prerequisite: B1.3 course, B1 Review, or B1.1 result on placement test

Next course: B2.2 and/or a Specialized B2 course.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Advanced Part 2 (B2.2)

General French
The second sublevel in B2 (Advanced). In this course students will learn new ways to express feelings, goals, and regrets. They will focus on taking a stand and structuring their points of view by using expressions of cause and consequence, idiomatic expressions, and varying language registers.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 4 (Chapters 4-6) - Textbook & workbook available here 

Prerequisite: General French B2.1 or B2.2 result on placement test

Next course: General French B2.3 and/or a Specialized B2 course
Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 per session, twice a week, total of 30h

Spring25 - Advanced Part 3 (B2.3)

General French
The third and final sublevel in B2 (Advanced). In this course, students will continue to strengthen their ability to defend their ideas or share their opinions. They will use temporal markers and other logical connectors to express cause, consequence, goals, opposition, and concession in a structured and convincing way. At the end of the course, students will be guided through a DELF review of the B2 level.

Textbook & Workbook (not included in tuition): Défi 4 (Chapters 7-9 & DELF B2 review) - Textbook & workbook available here

Prerequisite: General French B2.2 or B2.3 result on placement test

Next course: B2 Review or a Specialized B2+ course. At the end of the B2 level, students may be able to enroll in a C1 class contingent on the result of a mandatory placement test and oral assessment.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 2h30 per session, once a week, total of 25h

Spring25 - Book Club B2 - La jalousie (Spring1)

Specialized French
In this course, students will read La Jalouise by Alain Robbe-Grillet.

Students will be responsible for weekly assigned readings and encouraged to share their questions and impressions on our elearning plateform. During class, the instructor will guide the discussion about the weekly reading, touching on relevant historical and cultural context, character development, major themes, and overall impressions through general questions as well as close readings.

Prerequisite: General French B2.1, B2.2 or B2.2 result at our placement test

La Jalouise by Alain Robbe-Grillet

Le narrateur de ce récit – un mari qui surveille sa femme – est au centre de l'intrigue. Il reste d’ailleurs en scène de la première phrase à la dernière, quelquefois légèrement à l’écart d’un côté ou de l’autre, mais toujours au premier plan. Souvent même il s’y trouve seul.
Ce personnage n’a pas de nom, pas de visage. Il est un vide au cœur du monde, un creux au milieu des objets. Mais, comme toute ligne part de lui ou s’y termine, ce creux finit par être lui-même aussi concret, aussi solide, sinon plus.
L’autre point de résistance, c’est la femme du narrateur, A…, celle dont les yeux font se détourner le regard. Elle constitue l’autre pôle de l’aimant.
La jalousie est une sorte de contrevent qui permet de regarder au-dehors et, pour certaines inclinaisons, du dehors vers l’intérieur ; mais, lorsque les lames sont closes, on ne voit plus rien, dans aucun sens. La jalousie est une passion pour qui rien jamais ne s’efface : chaque vision, même la plus innocente, y demeure inscrite une fois pour toutes..
You can purchase the book here.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - Book Club B2 - Les Mots (Spring 2)

Specialized French
In this course, students will read Les Mots by Jean-Paul Sartre.

Students will be responsible for weekly assigned readings and encouraged to share their questions and impressions on our elearning plateform. During class, the instructor will guide the discussion about the weekly reading, touching on relevant historical and cultural context, character development, major themes, and overall impressions through general questions as well as close readings.

Prerequisite: General French B2.1, B2.2 or B2.2 result at our placement test

Les Mots by Jean-Paul Sartre

J'ai commencé ma vie comme je la finirai sans doute : au milieu des livres. Dans le bureau de mon grand-père, il y en avait partout ; défense était de les faire épousseter sauf une fois l'an, avant la rentrée d'octobre. Je ne savais pas encore lire que, déjà, je les révérais, ces pierres levées : droites ou penchées, serrées comme des briques sur les rayons de la bibliothèque ou noblement espacées en allées de menhirs, je sentais que la prospérité de notre famille en dépendait..

You can purchase the book here.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - Book Club B2+ Il est grand temps de rallumer les étoiles (Spring 2)

Specialized French
In this course, students will read Il est Grand Temps de Rallumer les Étoiles by Virgine Grimaldi.

Students will be responsible for weekly assigned readings and encouraged to share their questions and impressions on our E-Learning plateform. During class, the instructor will guide the discussion about the weekly reading, touching on relevant historical and cultural context, character development, major themes, and overall impressions through general questions as well as close readings.

Prerequisite: B2.3 or B2+ course, or B2.3/C1 result at placement test

Il est Grand Temps de Rallumer les Étoiles
 by Virgine Grimaldi

You can purchase the book here:

Anna, 37 ans, croule sous le travail et les relances des huissiers.
Ses filles, elle ne fait que les croiser au petit déjeuner. Sa vie défile, et elle l’observe depuis la bulle dans laquelle elle s’est enfermée.
À 17 ans, Chloé a des rêves plein la tête mais a choisi d’y renoncer pour aider sa mère. Elle cherche de l’affection auprès des garçons, mais cela ne dure jamais. Comme le carrosse de Cendrillon, ils se transforment après l’amour.
Lily, du haut de ses 12 ans, n’aime pas trop les gens. Elle préfère son rat, à qui elle a donné le nom de son père, parce qu’il a quitté le navire.
Le jour où elle apprend que ses filles vont mal, Anna prend une décision folle : elle les embarque pour un périple en camping-car, direction la Scandinavie. Si on ne peut revenir en arrière, on peut choisir un autre chemin.

Anna, Chloé, Lily. Trois femmes, trois générations, trois voix qui se répondent. Une merveille d’humour, d’amour et d’humanité.

Romancière à succès, Virginie Grimaldi est l’auteure de trois best-sellers, Le Premier Jour du reste de ma vie, Tu comprendras quand tu seras plus grande et Le Parfum du bonheur est plus fort sous la pluie. 

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - Book Club B2+ Le Mystère de la chambre jaune (Spring 1)

Specialized French
In this course, students will read Le Mystère De La Chambre Jaune by Gaston Leroux.

Students will be responsible for weekly assigned readings and encouraged to share their questions and impressions on our E-Learning plateform. During class, the instructor will guide the discussion about the weekly reading, touching on relevant historical and cultural context, character development, major themes, and overall impressions through general questions as well as close readings.

Prerequisite: B2.3 or B2+ course, or B2.3/C1 result at placement test

Le Mystère De La Chambre Jaune
 by Gaston Leroux

You can purchase the book here:

Le Mystère de la Chambre Jaune" (1907) de Gaston Leroux est un roman policier français classique mettant en vedette le jeune journaliste et détective amateur Joseph Rouletabille. L'histoire tourne autour du crime apparemment impossible d'une tentative de meurtre dans une pièce verrouillée, connue sous le nom de Chambre Jaune . Mathilde Stangerson, la victime, est retrouvée grièvement blessée à l'intérieur de la pièce fermée à clé de l'intérieur sans possibilité apparente pour l'agresseur de s'échapper. Rouletabille enquête, utilisant son intellect aiguisé pour percer le mystère, découvrir des secrets et remettre en question les hypothèses tout en s'efforçant de résoudre cette affaire déconcertante. Le roman est un chef-d'oeuvre du genre policier "locked-room", célèbre pour son intrigue complexe et sa résolution intelligente.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - French Cinema B2+

Specialized French

This class is a film-centered language class, dedicated to building oral comprehension and communication skills. Through film, students will enhance their knowledge of spoken French of all levels—formal, standard, and informal—as well as their French cultural literacy.

French cinéma is also a conduit to explore ideas—philosophical, sociological, or political—embodied by actors on film. We’ll contemplate many topics raised in these films and read criticism and reviews of all three films to deepen your appreciation of them.

Lastly, you’ll listen to and study popular songs from the period each film exploded in the world of French cinéma.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 15h

Spring25 - Oral Communication and Grammar B1+/B2 (Spring 1)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students wishing to strengthen their vocabulary and grammar at the upper B1 independent level. Each week, through a study in areas such as politics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more, students will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen their linguistic skills in the language, review grammatical concepts, and develop their cultural understanding of France and the francophone world.

Prerequisite: B1.3, B1+ or B2.1 course completed, or B2.1/B2.2 result at placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 twice per week, total of 15h

Spring25 - Oral Communication and Grammar B1+/B2 (Spring 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students wishing to strengthen their vocabulary and grammar at the upper B1 independent level. Each week, through a study in areas such as politics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more, students will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen their linguistic skills in the language, review grammatical concepts, and develop their cultural understanding of France and the francophone world.

Prerequisite: B1.3, B1+ or B2.1 course completed, or B2.1/B2.2 result at placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 twice per week, total of 15h

Spring25 - Oral Communication and Grammar B2+ (Spring 1)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students wishing to strengthen their vocabulary and grammar at the upper B1 independent level. Each week, through a study in areas such as politics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more, students will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen their linguistic skills in the language, review grammatical concepts, and develop their cultural understanding of France and the francophone world.

Prerequisite: B2.3 course completed or B2.3/C1 result at placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - Oral Communication and Grammar B2+ (Spring 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students wishing to strengthen their vocabulary and grammar at the upper B1 independent level. Each week, through a study in areas such as politics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more, students will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen their linguistic skills in the language, review grammatical concepts, and develop their cultural understanding of France and the francophone world.

Prerequisite: B2.3 course completed or B2.3/C1 result at placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

Spring25 - World News B2 (Spring 1)

Specialized French

This class is designed for all students at the B2 level who wish to strengthen their oral and reading comprehension through authentic resources based on current events and to refine their oral expression during class in order to formulate ideas and opinions. Students will also have the option to submit short written productions on the e-learning platform and receive personalized feedback.

Each week, a different document (video, radio show, article) will be provided on the e-learning platform before class (expect no more than 1 hour of autonomous study per week) and discussed during class. Relevant vocabulary and grammar points at the B2 level will be reviewed based on support materials. Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

Prerequisite: General French B2.1, B2.2, or B2.2 result at our placement test

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

Spring25 - World News B2 (Spring 2)

Specialized French

This class is designed for all students at the B2 level who wish to strengthen their oral and reading comprehension through authentic resources based on current events and to refine their oral expression during class in order to formulate ideas and opinions. Students will also have the option to submit short written productions on the e-learning platform and receive personalized feedback.

Each week, a different document (video, radio show, article) will be provided on the e-learning platform before class (expect no more than 1 hour of autonomous study per week) and discussed during class. Relevant vocabulary and grammar points at the B2 level will be reviewed based on support materials. Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

Prerequisite: General French B2.1, B2.2, or B2.2 result at our placement test

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

WINTER25 - "Et Si tu n'existais pas": Les usages du si conditionnel

Join us for an engaging 2-hour workshop on the French conditional tense (le Conditionnel), where you'll master this essential aspect of French grammar through interactive learning and practical exercises. We'll explore how to form and use the conditional to express hypothetical situations, make polite requests, and discuss possibilities in French, using real-world examples from current news headlines and classic French songs.

Through a blend of structured instruction and hands-on practice, including analysis of conditional usage in memorable songs like Jean-Jacques Goldman's "Si je t'aime", Angèle's "Oui ou Non" and Stromae's "Tous les Mêmes", you'll develop confidence in using this tense in both written and spoken French.

The workshop is ideal for intermediate to advanced learners and includes comprehensive materials to support your learning journey. By the end of the session, you'll have a solid understanding of when and how to use the conditional tense, enhancing your ability to communicate more naturally and effectively in French.

Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h

WINTER25 - Book Club B2+: Gabriella Zalapi: Antonia (Winter 2)

In this course, students will read Antonia by Gabriella Zalapi.

Students will be responsible for weekly assigned readings and encouraged to share their questions and impressions on our E-Learning plateform. During class, the instructor will guide the discussion about the weekly reading, touching on relevant historical and cultural context, character development, major themes, and overall impressions through general questions as well as close readings.

Prerequisite: B2.3 or B2+ course, or B2.3/C1 result at placement test

by Gabriella Zalapi

You can purchase the book here:

Antonia est mariée sans amour à un bourgeois de Palerme, elle étouffe. À la mort de sa grand-mère, elle reçoit des boîtes de documents, lettres et photographies, traces d’un passé au cosmopolitisme vertigineux. Deux ans durant, elle reconstruit le puzzle familial, d’un côté un grand-père juif qui a dû quitter Vienne, de l’autre une dynastie anglaise en Sicile. Dans son journal, Antonia rend compte de son enquête, mais aussi de son quotidien, ses journées-lignes. En retraçant les liens qui l’unissent à sa famille et en remontant dans ses souvenirs d’enfance, Antonia trouvera la force nécessaire pour réagir.

Pace: Workshop, two sessions of 2h

WINTER25 - Book Club B2+: Une gourmandise, Muriel Barbéry (Winter 2)

Specialized French
In this course, students will read Une Gourmandise by Muriel Barbéry.

Students will be responsible for weekly assigned readings and encouraged to share their questions and impressions on our elearning plateform. During class, the instructor will guide the discussion about the weekly reading, touching on relevant historical and cultural context, character development, major themes, and overall impressions through general questions as well as close readings.

Prerequisite: B2.3 or B2+ course, or B2.3/C1 result at placement test

Une Gourmandise by Muriel Barbéry

C'est le plus grand critique culinaire du monde, le Pape de la gastronomie, le Messie des agapes somptueuses. Demain, il va mourir. Il le sait et il n'en a cure : aux portes de la mort, il est en quête d'une saveur qui lui trotte dans le coeur, une saveur d'enfance ou d'adolescence, un mets original et merveilleux dont il pressent qu'il vaut bien plus que tous ses festins de gourmet accompli. Alors il se souvient. Silencieusement, parfois frénétiquement, il vogue au gré des méandres de sa mémoire gustative, il plonge dans les cocottes de son enfance, il en arpente les plages et les potagers, entre campagne et parfums, odeurs et saveurs, fragrances, fumets, gibiers, viandes, poissons et premiers alcools... Il se souvient - et il ne trouve pas. Pas encore.

You can purchase the book here.

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

WINTER25 - Book Club B2: L’art de perdre, Alice Zeniter (Winter 2)

Specialized French
In this course, students will read L'Art de Perdre by Alice Zeniter.

Students will be responsible for weekly assigned readings and encouraged to share their questions and impressions on our elearning plateform. During class, the instructor will guide the discussion about the weekly reading, touching on relevant historical and cultural context, character development, major themes, and overall impressions through general questions as well as close readings.

Prerequisite: General French B2.1, B2.2 or B2.2 result at our placement test

L'Art de Perdre by Alice Zeniter

L'Algérie dont est originaire sa famille n'a longtemps été pour Naïma qu'une toile de fond sans grand intérêt. Pourtant, dans une société française traversée par les questions identitaires, tout semble vouloir la renvoyer à ses origines. Mais quel lien pourrait-elle avoir avec une histoire familiale qui jamais ne lui a été racontée ? Son grand-père Ali, un montagnard kabyle, est mort avant qu'elle ait pu lui demander pourquoi l'Histoire avait fait de lui un "harki". Yema, sa grand-mère, pourrait peut-être répondre mais pas dans une langue que Naïma comprenne. Quant à Hamid, son père, arrivé en France à l'été 1962 dans les camps de transit hâtivement mis en place, il ne parle plus de l'Algérie de son enfance. Comment faire ressurgir un pays du silence ?

You can buy the book here

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

WINTER25 - French Podcasts B2+ (Winter 2)

Specialized French
In this course focused on oral expression and listening comprehension, students will listen to podcasts and speculate together on subjects worthy of greater debate. The instructor will guide a discussion of current events, including important moments that characterize the Anthropocene and its drifts. Students will also discuss topics related to science, societies, fauna and flora, and arts and culture, amongst others. These subjects will allow the class to reflect on and discuss the various stakes which constitute our current society.

Course materials: All materials will be made available by the instructor.

Prerequisite: B2.3 or B2+ course, or B2.3/C1 result at placement test
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

WINTER25 - La grammaire à travers les chansons d'Aznavour B1/B2

À l'occasion du centenaire de Charles Aznavour, l'un des plus grands artistes de la chanson française, nous aimerions rendre hommage à son œuvre intemporelle. Ses chansons résonnent non seulement par leurs mélodies envoûtantes, mais aussi par leurs paroles riches en émotions et en histoires. C'est une occasion idéale d'écouter ses morceaux emblématiques tout en abordant la grammaire de manière ludique et engageante. La grammaire n'a jamais été aussi agréable !  

 1."La Bohème"   - Grammaire Imparfait vs passé composé. 
2."Hier encore"   - Grammaire: Concordance des temps.  
3. "Je me souviens"   - Grammaire: Pronoms relatifs (qui, que, dont). 
4. "Il faut savoir"   - Grammaire: Le subjonctif. 
5. "Les comédiens"   - Grammaire : Les adjectifs et leur accord. 
6. "La Mama"   - Grammaire: Les prépositions (à, de). 
7. "For me, formidable"   - Grammaire : Les temps du futur et du conditionnel.
8. "Emmenez-moi"   - Grammaire: Les impératifs. 
9. "L'amour c'est comme un jour"   - Grammaire: Les comparaisons. 
10. " Il te suffisait que je t’aime "   - Grammaire : les temps du passé et le subjonctif

Pace: Workshop, two sessions of 2h

WINTER25 - Le Paris des Ecrivains B2+


This literary journey will transport you to the heart of Paris, where three iconic authors—Guy de Maupassant, Victor Hugo, and Émile Zola—found their inspiration, penned their masterpieces, and left an indelible mark on the literary landscape.

During this 2-part workshop, participants will delve into the lives, works, and impact of these three literary giants, exploring their unique styles, themes, and contributions to the literary canon. Through a blend of interactive discussions, engaging presentations, and guided activities, attendees will gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of French literature and the city that inspired it.

All materials will be provided by the instructor before and during class via the Apolearn platform.

Prerequisite: having completed General French B2.3 or having received a B2+/C1 recommendation from our Admissions Coordinator. This workshop is for advanced French speakers and will be held mainly in French. 

Pace: Workshop, two sessions of 2h

WINTER25 - Ma Vie en France: Julia Child de Paris à la Provence B1/B2

Embark on a sensory journey through France with Julia Child as our guide! In this workshop, we’ll explore Julia Child’s experiences from her early days in Paris to her life in Provence. Through engaging discussions, video clips, and readings, you’ll learn about her impact on French cuisine and culture. This workshop will help you enhance your French language skills while discovering the fascinating story of one of America’s most beloved chefs. 
Pace: Workshop, one session of 3h

WINTER25 - Oral Communication & Grammar B1+/B2 (Winter 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students wishing to strengthen their vocabulary and grammar at the upper B1 independent level. Each week, through a study in areas such as politics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more, students will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen their linguistic skills in the language, review grammatical concepts, and develop their cultural understanding of France and the francophone world.

Prerequisite: B1.3, B1+ or B2.1 course completed, or B2.1/B2.2 result at placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 twice per week, total of 15h

WINTER25 - Oral Communication & Grammar B2+ (Winter 2)

Specialized French
This class is designed for students wishing to strengthen their vocabulary and grammar at the upper B1 independent level. Each week, through a study in areas such as politics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more, students will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen their linguistic skills in the language, review grammatical concepts, and develop their cultural understanding of France and the francophone world.

Prerequisite: B2.3 course completed or B2.3/C1 result at placement test.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 1h30 once a week, total of 7.5h

WINTER25 - Paris Je t'aime (Pt3: Pronunciation) B1/B2/C1


This 3-part workshop series explores the short film 14e arrondissement by Alexander Payne, from the 2006 anthology Paris, je t'aime. Follow Carole, a mailwoman from Denver, Colorado in her discovery of Paris 14th arrondissement to identify English speakers' difficulties in speaking French. With a comparative analysis of French and English, and through an authentic and cultural approach, these 3 workshops will provide keys to become aware of deceptive cognates and common mistakes in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. 

Part 3 will focus on Pronunciation.

You may sign up for one, two, or all three parts of the series! Members get 10% off any additional course in the same term.

Open to B1/B2/C1 levels (the workshop will be conducted in French). Take our placement test here.

Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h

WINTER25 - Review-B2-DAY-Online

Intensive Courses
An intensive week, 2.5 hours daily from Monday to Thursday, designed to strengthen major skills acquired during the B2 level in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

This class can help you to boost your French or simply to give you more confidence and enhance your knowledge before joining the C1 level.

• Prerequisite: B2.3 course completed, or C1 result at placement test. New students and students returning after more than three quarters are required to take a short online placement test.

• Next course: A specialized B2+ course or a C1 course upon approval (please take our C1 placement test and our Admissions Coordinator will contact you to assess your oral skills).

Pace: Intensive, 1 week, total of 10h

WINTER25 - The subjunctive demystified B1/B2

Think you'll never get along with the Subjunctive? This workshop will change your mind! Dive into the Subjunctive mood, explore its common uses, and uncover its nuances with a fun and practical approach.

Prerequisite: students must be at the B1 or B2 level

Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h

WINTER25 - Voyages Extraordinaires : L'Egypte B1/B2

Welcome to our workshop series Voyages Extraordinaires!

Embark on an immersive journey through Egypt with this workshop, specially designed for B1 and B2 learners. Discover a unique side of this fascinating country, where history, modernity, and gastronomy come together to offer you an unforgettable experience. Admire the modern architectural gems that shape contemporary Egypt and uncover must-see sites for your next adventures. Awaken your taste buds as you explore the delights of Egyptian cuisine: learn the stories behind iconic dishes and find inspiration to Savor them. Relive the bold dream of Baron Empain, who transformed Heliopolis into the "City of the Sun." Unravel the mysteries and legends surrounding his famous palace, a true treasure of tales. End on a sweet note with a tasting of Om Ali, an iconic Egyptian dessert, a tribute to traditional Flavors. Join this captivating workshop and let yourself be transported into a cultural adventure where every moment is a new discovery. Egypt awaits—are you ready to explore its wonders?

Prerequisite: This workshop is for B1 and B2 levels. You must have a minimum of B1.1 result at our placement test, or have completed General French A2.3. This workshop will be conducted mainly in French.
Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h
Seattle - Wallingford
Saturday Mar 22 2025 - 10am ▸ 12pm
22 Mar 2025

WINTER25 - Voyages Extraordinaires : La Côte d'Ivoire B1/B2

Welcome to our workshop series Voyages Extraordinaires!

Embark on an exciting journey to explore the Cote d'Ivoire. This unique workshop is designed for language enthusiasts who not only wish to enhance their French skills but also want to delve into the rich history, culture, and traditions of the Francophone world.

Discover the hidden treasures of this African country, where tradition and modernity coexist. Immerse yourself in the cultural richness, breathtaking landscapes and delicious gastronomy of Ivory Coast.

Prerequisite: This workshop is for B1 and B2 levels. You must have a minimum of B1.1 result at our placement test, or have completed General French A2.3. This workshop will be conducted mainly in French.
Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h

WINTER25 - World News B2 (Winter 2)

Specialized French

This class is designed for all students at the B2 level who wish to strengthen their oral and reading comprehension through authentic resources based on current events and to refine their oral expression during class in order to formulate ideas and opinions. Students will also have the option to submit short written productions on the e-learning platform and receive personalized feedback.

Each week, a different document (video, radio show, article) will be provided on the e-learning platform before class (expect no more than 1 hour of autonomous study per week) and discussed during class. Relevant vocabulary and grammar points at the B2 level will be reviewed based on support materials. Throughout the course, students will receive personalized and prompt feedback from their instructor on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.

Prerequisite: General French B2.1, B2.2, or B2.2 result at our placement test

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h
C1 Expert

Spring25 - Expert Part 2 (C1.2)

General French
The second sublevel in C1 (Expert). In this course, students will address a wide range of topics including self-image and social media, professional life, inequality, feminism, and immigration, amongst others. Through authentic texts, videos, and reports, students will broaden their general and specialized vocabulary while mastering the grammatical structures necessary to denounce inequality and other social injustices, summarize a speech, and share personal experiences related to the themes. Students will also continue to master the different registers of language, both formal and informal, and practice analyzing artworks, songs, and poems.

Textbook and Workbook (not included in tuition): Odyssée C1/C2
C1.2 : Units 4, 5 and 6

Prerequisite: Both former and current AFSeattle students who never took classes at the C1 level, as well as all new students, must take our online placement test and complete an oral assessment to confirm their level prior to enrolling in their first C1 level course.
Contrary to lower levels, the C1 General French classes (C1.1, C1.2, C1.3) can be taken in any order. 

Next course: Students may take any C1 level General French course, Specialized class or Workshop.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 2h per session, once a week, total of 20h

Spring25 - Expert Part 3 (C1.3)

General French
The third sublevel in C1 (Expert). In this course students will address topics including the pursuit of happiness, the digital era, and the francophone world and French language. Through authentic texts, videos, and reports, students will broaden their general and specialized vocabulary while mastering the grammatical structures necessary to debate a given topic and produce formal texts such as letters and articles.

Textbook and Workbook (not included in tuition): Odyssée C1/C2
C1.3: Units 7, 8 and 9

Prerequisite: Both former and current AFSeattle students who never took classes at the C1 level, as well as all new students, must take our online placement test and complete an oral assessment to confirm their level prior to enrolling in their first C1 level course.
Contrary to lower levels, the C1 General French classes (C1.1, C1.2, C1.3) can be taken in any order. 

Next course: Students may take any C1 level General French course, Specialized class or Workshop.

Pace: Regular, 10 weeks, 2h per session, once a week, total of 20h

Spring25 - World News C1 (Spring 1)

Specialized French
A class for fluent students wishing to perfect their linguistic and cultural understanding in areas such as geopolitics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more. Students will focus on formulating ideas and opinions with precision and on discussing clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects.

Course materials—including newspaper articles, TV, and radio shows—are to be studied before class; expect approximately two hours of autonomous study per week.

Prerequisite: Both former and current AFSeattle students, as well as all new students, must take our online placement test and complete an oral assessment to confirm their level prior to enrolling in their first C1 level course.

Clock Hours: AFSeattle is a Washington State approved clock hour provider in 2022-2023. Please send an email to upon enrollment.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

Spring25 - World News C1 (Spring 2)

Specialized French
A class for fluent students wishing to perfect their linguistic and cultural understanding in areas such as geopolitics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more. Students will focus on formulating ideas and opinions with precision and on discussing clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects.

Course materials—including newspaper articles, TV, and radio shows—are to be studied before class; expect approximately two hours of autonomous study per week.

Prerequisite: Both former and current AFSeattle students, as well as all new students, must take our online placement test and complete an oral assessment to confirm their level prior to enrolling in their first C1 level course.

Clock Hours: AFSeattle is a Washington State approved clock hour provider in 2022-2023. Please send an email to upon enrollment.
Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h

WINTER25 - Paris Je t'aime (Pt3: Pronunciation) B1/B2/C1


This 3-part workshop series explores the short film 14e arrondissement by Alexander Payne, from the 2006 anthology Paris, je t'aime. Follow Carole, a mailwoman from Denver, Colorado in her discovery of Paris 14th arrondissement to identify English speakers' difficulties in speaking French. With a comparative analysis of French and English, and through an authentic and cultural approach, these 3 workshops will provide keys to become aware of deceptive cognates and common mistakes in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. 

Part 3 will focus on Pronunciation.

You may sign up for one, two, or all three parts of the series! Members get 10% off any additional course in the same term.

Open to B1/B2/C1 levels (the workshop will be conducted in French). Take our placement test here.

Pace: Workshop, one session of 2h

WINTER25 - World News C1 (Winter 2)

Specialized French
A class for fluent students wishing to perfect their linguistic and cultural understanding in areas such as geopolitics and economics, literature and history, the arts, and many more. Students will focus on formulating ideas and opinions with precision and on discussing clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects.

Course materials—including newspaper articles, TV, and radio shows—are to be studied before class; expect approximately two hours of autonomous study per week.

Prerequisite: Both former and current AFSeattle students, as well as all new students, must take our online placement test and complete an oral assessment to confirm their level prior to enrolling in their first C1 level course.

Pace: Regular, 5 weeks, 2h once a week, total of 10h