Resources for Studying in France

These resources are made available by Campus France USA, a French public agency in charge of promoting French higher education abroad and welcoming foreign students and researchers to France. It encourages international mobility and manages scholarship programmes and the alumni network.


Types of French higher education institutions - Resources on the structures of public and private institutions in France.
The French degree system - Resources on French Licence, Masters, and Doctoral degree programs. 
Researching degree and certificate programs in France - Catalogs of degree and certificate programs for international students, compiled by Campus France. 
How to apply to a French degree program - Application procedures for international students. 
Scholarships for US students in France - A list of scholarships and grants for study abroad and degree-seeking international students in France.
Study Abroad in France - Resources on study abroad and exchange programs in France.
Fiches villes - Collection of resources on student services in cities across France. 
General Information on Student Cities - Searchable database of student cities across France
Fiches établissements - Detailed descriptions of specific French institutions (Fiches on each French university, institute, school)


Etudiant - Breadth of resources and how to make the most of being a student in France (housing, culture, travel, and more).
How to understand Europe - Understanding Europe from a student perspective.
Pre-Departure Checklist - Preparation for students prior to arrival in France
Campus accessibility - Information for students with special accessibility needs. 


How to open a French bank account
How to work in France while studying
European Youth Card - This card can be used in 38 countries for low cost travel, transportation, cultural events, for students 12 to 30 years old.
Free French National Monument finder  - For free entry to monuments and historical sites until the age of 25.
List of French National Monuments 
French vs American resume - Information on how to structure your resume or CV.

Questions? Contact Campus France USA Questions? Contact Campus France USA