Portrait of Ludmilla as Nina Simone


A performance featuring music and storytelling of Nina Simone, by Ludmilla Dabo and David Lescot.

Center Theatre at Seattle Center

Ludmilla Dabo, accompanied by Molière Award-winning writer, director, and musician David Lescot, sings a moving, intimate, and dazzling portrait of Nina Simone, the iconic “High Priestess of Soul.” Through the legendary singer’s music and life story, intertwined with personal stories from Dabo’s own life, Dabo charts Simone’s journey from young musical prodigy to her role as a major figure in the civil rights movement. In this unique performance fusing jazz, soul, and storytelling, Dabo is “Nina Simone reincarnated… A talent that explodes,” according to Le Monde.

The Alliance Française de Seattle is excited to welcome this production to Seattle for one night only to celebrate International Women's Day. 

David Lescot, playwright/director and musician is an artist associé with Théâtre de la Ville, Paris. Read more about David here.

Center Theatre at Seattle Center
305 Harrison St, Seattle, WA 98109

Doors Open 6:15PM
Performance 7PM
+ Q&A after the show

Performance in French with English subtitles

Directed by David Lescot
With Ludmilla Dabo & David Lescot
Production: Comédie de Caen-CDN de Normandie
Compagnie du Kaïros

Open to all audiences, Ages 12+
Duration 1h15

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