Salon littéraire: Changer l'eau des fleurs

4649 Sunnyside Ave N

2PM - 3:30PM

Join us at the AFSeattle Library for our third Salon littéraire. This time, we will delve into Violette Toussaint's fictional world, a 50-year-old cemetery-guard in a small village in Burgundy. Discover Changer l'eau des fleurs, one of the best-selling French books over the past years. 

As a reminder, the discussion is recommended for French speakers at level A2+ (upper intermediate) or above. However, participants are welcome to read the book in English if they prefer.

Free for AF members / $5 for non-member. Please RSVP below!

The Book

In Changer l'eau des fleurs (Fresh water for the flowers), Violette Toussaint, a 50-year-old cemetery guard, recalls her bittersweet life before ending up working at the cemetery.

Violette's routine is disrupted one day by the arrival of Julien Sole - local police chief - who insists on scattering the ashes of his recently deceased mother on the gravesite of a complete stranger. It soon becomes clear that Julien's inexplicable gesture is intertwined with Violette's own difficult past. A moving, complex, surprisingly simple and poetic book.

Changer l'eau des fleurs sold more than a million copies worldwide. It has been translated into over forty languages.

The Author

Valérie Perrin is a photographer and screenwriter who works with Claude Lelouch. She grew up in Burgundy and settled in Paris in 1986. Her debut novel Les Oubliés du dimanche (Forgotten on Sunday,2015) won the Booksellers Choice Award. Her English-language debut, Changer l'eau des fleurs (Fresh water for the fowers)  won the Maison de la Presse Prize, the Paperback Readers Prize, and was  a Wall Street Journal Best Book of the Summer pick in 2021. Figaro Littéraire named Perrin one of the ten best-selling authors in France in 2019. 

Where to find a copy?

French Version: 

  • Changer l'eau des fleurs on Amazon, in  Paperback, Kindle or audiobook.
  • Changer l'eau des fleurs on AbeBoks.
  • Can be borrowed at the AFSeattle library

English Version:

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