Le Thé des étudiants


Tuesday, May 28, 2024 @ 5:30pm

MLK F.A.M.E Community Center

By invitation

The Alliance Française de Seattle looks forward to hosting the traditional "Thé des étudiants" (students' tea), an award ceremony recognizing the merit and perseverance of high school students in their study of French. 

Following the tradition of the Cercle français, active in Seattle from 1918 to 1987, when it then became the Alliance Française local chapter, we are delighted to honor high school students’ merit and perseverance in studying the French language as well as their teachers in their exceptional work of promoting it. With over 300 million speakers all over the world, the French language opens doors not only in numerous European countries, but also in Canada and 24 countries in Africa. There are more than 50 million French language learners worldwide, which represents an increase of 10% in the last four years. 

Le Thé des étudiants a pour objectif de féliciter les meilleurs élèves de français langue étrangère dans la région de Greater Seattle. Destiné à encourager vos élèves dans leur volonté d’étudier la langue française, cet événement sera l’occasion de rendre honneur à leur mérite et persévérance avec la remise d’un diplôme et d’un prix. Cette cérémonie a aussi pour but de mettre en valeur le travail des professeurs de français, ainsi que d’illustrer l’utilité de la connaissance d’une langue étrangère au-delà du cadre académique.


5:15PM - Doors Open
5:45PM - Welcome Address

  • Otilia Baraboi, Executive Director of the Alliance Française de Seattle
  • Ariane Ogier, Honorary Consul of France in Seattle

6:00PM - Speech

  • Claire Conway

6:15PM - Award Ceremony
6:30PM - Refreshments & Photos
7PM - End of Event

Ariane Ogier

Honorary Consul of France in Seattle

Ariane Ogier has 20 years’ experience in marketing and communication in Paris, Dubai and Seattle. She moved to the Seattle area ten years ago, where she worked in localization for gaming and IT companies (Microsoft, Amazon, Canva, Getty Images) and as a Sales & Marketing Analyst at Morgan & Sampson USA. Certified in Digital Marketing from the University of Washington, Ariane launched in 2018 the “Ici Seattle” website, an online bilingual lifestyle magazine about the Seattle region. Ariane was appointed the Honorary Consul of France in the state of Washington, providing a local consular presence for French nationals. She was also the Executive Director of the French-American Chamber of Commerce of the PNW from 2020 to 2023, developing business relations between France and the United States in Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

Claire Conway

Claire Conway holds a B.A. in Visual Communication and French and Francophone studies from Seattle Pacific University. She served as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Lyon during the 2022-2023 school year before returning to Seattle, where she now works in the guidebook department at Rick Steves’ Europe. In her free time, Claire enjoys spending time outdoors, playing and attending concerts, and traveling as often as possible.  

This event is by invitation only.